Stars of
2012 Bonsai Show!

Vince Philippone
Red Leaf Maple - 25" H

Vince Philippone
Shimpaku - 11" H

Vince Philippone
Hornbeam - 18" H

Dick Smith
White Pine - 21" H

Dick Smith
Lilac - 16" H

Dick Smith
Hornbeam - 20" H

Wendy Williams
Juniper - 13" H

Wendy Williams
Juniper - 36" H

Dan Zak
Larch - 24" H

Dan Zak
Japanese Maple - 17" H

Dan Zak
White Pine - 18" H

Wendy Williams
Juniper - 17" H |

Wendy Williams
Cypress - 26" H

Ed McKee
Schefflera - 15" H |

Mary O'Connor
Yew - 18" H

Mary O'Connor
Larch - 15" H |

Bob Maxwell
Juniper Cascade
- 17" H

Dick Smith
Juniper - 13" H |

Paul Pirson
Ficus - 15" H

Neil Jaeger
Chinese Elm - 23" H |

This year we had
a separate table
to show a series
of junipers
in the beginning
stages of development.
It takes time to
develop Bonsai with the beauty
that is depicted in all of the previous photos.
Your Tree
Could Have
Been Here
- If you had
Put it On Display
In Our Show!
Click on any
of the trees to see
a large photo of