The Stars of
The 2024 Show!

To see a large printable photo of any of the bonsai
below, simply click on its image below.

Brazillian Raintree
Brazillian Raintree 18"
Bill Barker

Juniper Juniper Procumbis 10"
Pat Reilly

Larch 19"
Bill Barker

 Europen BeechBeech 21"
Pat Reilly

AzaliaAzalea 12"
Dan Zak

Juniper 5"
Dan Scholtz

Trident MapleTrident Maple 21"
Lexi Philippone

ShimpakuShimpaku 15"
Vince Philippone

Japanese White Pine
White Pine 27"
Dick Smith

Larch Forest Larch Forest 30"
Dick Smith

White PineWhite Pine 25"
Dan Scholtz

Katsura Maple
Maple 20"
Dan Zak

American LarchAmerican Larch 25"
Dan Zak

Ponderosa PinePonderosa Pine 24"
Vince Philippone

Shimpaku 14"
Lexi Philippone

Japanese MapleJapanese Maple 24"
Pat Reilly

Chinese ElmChinese Elm 28"
Brian Hess

Suiseki Table
Suiseki Table
Multiple Members

Kingsville-BoxwoodKingsville-Boxwood 10"
Pete SHirk

Larch Forest
Larch Forest 18"
Joanne Tanner

Cork Bark MapleCork Bark Maple 24"
Christine Wilkolaski

BoswoodBoxwood 17"
Don Mata

Hinoki 24"
Christine Wilkolaski

Japanese Quince
Quince 27"
Paul Kraus

Shimpaku 10"
Pete Shirk

JuniperJuniper 7"
Henry Jarab

Ficus Burtt Davyi
Ficus Burtt Davyi 12"
Duncan Romans

Shimpaku 16"
Paul Kraus

Red MapleRed Maple 23"
Sandy McDougal

American ElmAmerican Elm 25"
Paul Pearson

Satsuki Azalea
Satsuki Azalea 19"

Kuni-BushKuni-Bush 20"
Christine Wilkolaski

Japanese MapleMaple 29"
Pete Shirk

Jack Pine
Jack Pine 40"
Don Mata

PrivetPrivet 23"
Don Mata

LarchLarch 27"
Brian Hess

Azalea 11"
Bob Maxwell

Azalea 9"
Pete Shirk

Elm 16"
Don Mata

SerissaSerissa 6"
Jerry Rucker

Golden Gate FicusFicus 13"
Patricia Romans

Kisho Juniper
Kisho Juniper 8"
Pete Shirk

Your Tree Could Have Been Here
- If you had Put it On Display
In Our Show!

Click on any of the trees to see a large photo of it…